Credit Report Problems

Problems persist with Credit Bureaus

Problems persist with Credit Bureaus

Have you experienced issues with credit bureau’s? It seems to be a running theme. The three major credit-reporting bureau’s – Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion, have had the most complaints for four consecutive years. These complaints involve inaccurate information on credit reports. Fighting with these bureaus can be a hassle because the bureaus have more power than the consumer.

            Lawmakers have only begun to pay attention since the enormous data breach from Equifax just two years ago. This led to being able to freeze your reports for no fee but didn’t provide any new ways to protect the consumer. There have been a few reforms in the past few years, such as bureaus being required to inform the other bureaus when a credit file is found to be mixed with another person and that a report can no longer include debts outside of an agreement or contract. For example, The reports are not allowed to include medical records that are 180 days old or less or medical debts that have been paid by an insurer.

            Problems have been persistent, and it seems that reform is not happening fast enough. The disputes are converted into codes that summarize the complaints for the data furnishers, which can be thought of as computers talking to computers. This can be frustrating when you have a dispute that is more complex and you need to talk to a real person.

            During the data breach of 2017, Equifax had a settlement of $700 million, which is comparable to a parking ticket in their eyes. It is just the cost of doing business and easier than changing their business practices to be fair and partial to consumers. It is imperative as a consumer to check your credit report regularly, or you may find yourself unexpectedly rejected for credit when it is most crucial. is a site where you can check your credit report for free annually. As a consumer, it is your job to identify that your accounts are in good standing and have all the correct information. If your personal information is wrong, it could potentially be a mixed file or identity theft. It isn’t uncommon for a credit file to be mixed with someone who has similarities to your identifying information. It is most likely to happen if you have a common first and last name or if you have a family member with a similar or the same name. Credit bureaus may even consider only 7 of the 9 digits of your social security number when matching your information. You have the right to dispute these errors and have them corrected and/or deleted. An error in your file could prevent you from getting credit, renting a home, or getting a job.

            If you come across an error, you should take action from both sides. You should contact the furnisher that provided data to the bureaus and to contact the bureau(s) reporting the error. It may even be best to write a formal letter by mail so that a person and not a computer will receive the information. It also provides you with a paper trail if you were to make a claim.  Being persistent is key, it is not easy to get a furnisher to immediately admit their wrongs. Filing a dispute with the credit bureaus as you communicate with the furnisher will help preserve your right to make a legal claim if the error fails to be corrected. You can find dispute information and mailing addresses through these links: and Contact us today with any questions you may have regarding your credit report.



Update: Credit Industry Reform

Update: Credit Industry Reform

An update on the National Consumer Assistance Plan

On March 8, 2015, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion (CRAs) entered into a settlement agreement with the NY Attorney General along with 31 additional AGs from other states. Upon entering the agreement, the CRAs announced that they would address a number of credit reporting industry problems, including their dispute process and how they handle unpaid medical debt. This agreement is referred to as the National Consumer Assistance Plan.

The credit reporting industry overhaul is taking place nationally over the course of three plus years with 2018 as the deadline to have all changes made. The overhaul will be implemented in three phases (detailed below) to allow the CRAs to update their IT systems and procedures with data furnishers.

To date, changes to websites and other technical tasks have been acomplished. A change to be implemented this September will address the dispute process. The CRAs will be using trained and empowered employees to review the documentation accompanying disputes. And, if a furnisher says its information is correct, the credit reporting agencies must still look into it and resolve the dispute.

In addition, the credit reporting overhaul will require CRAs to wait 180 days before adding any medical debt

Former Business Owner Brings Lawsuit Against First Data Global Leasing for Inaccurate Credit Reporting

Cento Lane has filed a lawsuit on behalf of a former business owner who used First Data Global Leasing merchant services. The lawsuit alleges violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act against First Data. The lawsuit alleges that even though the former business owner never signed a personal guaranty for First Data's services, First Data reported the account to Trans Union, Equifax and Experian

Stop Errors in Credit Use and Reporting (SECURE) Act Introduced by Sherrod Brown

Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, has introduced the Stop Errors in Credit Use and Reporting (SECURE) Act to ensure that all have accurate information on their credit report to ensure they are being treated fairly.

According to the article published by Senator Brown, "[t]he SECURE Act would require credit reporting agencies to improve their processes for collecting

Highlights From FTC Recent Study On Credit Report Inaccuracy

The Federal Trade Commission (the “FTC”) recently released its fifth interim report on a national study of credit report accuracy. This was the first national study to include participation from consumers, lenders/data furnishers, FICO and the national consumer reporting agencies (the “CRAs”). The FTC found that:

  • “26% of the 1,001 participants in the study identified at least one potentially material error on at least one of their three credit reports.”
  • Only 21% of participants had

Does Your Credit Report Have Errors?

What should you do if you learn that your credit report has errors? You can either contact us about how to proceed or send a dispute to the consumer reporting agency (CRA) on your own. There are several ways to initiate the dispute process with the CRAs, including using the dispute form which you may have received when you ordered your credit report; using the CRAs online dispute form; sending a dispute letter by mail (certified mail is recommended but not required); or by telephone. Whichever method you choose, you should remember to keep an accurate record of your dispute, including a copy of your dispute form or letter. If you use the online dispute form, you should take a screen shot of your dispute before sending it.