How Often Do Credit Scores Update?

Credit scores typically update at least once a month, but the frequency could vary depending on your lenders and unique financial situation. Lenders usually report updated information every 30-45 days, so it's possible you might receive an updated credit score each month.

However, every lender has its own reporting schedule and policies, so there is no set date each month when you can expect your credit scores to be updated. The information in your credit reports must update first before your credit scores can update.

The frequency of credit score updates depends on how many active credit accounts you have and when each of those lenders reports new information

It's important to note that each credit monitoring service may update at different times, and not all lenders report to all three credit reporting agencies, which is one reason why you may see some variations in your credit scores.

Several factors can affect credit scores, including:

  1. Payment history: Payment history is the most significant factor that affects credit scores, accounting for 35% of the total score. It considers whether you have paid your bills on time for each account on your credit report, including credit cards, loans, and other debts.

  2. Amounts owed: The total amount you owe on your credit accounts and the percentage of your available credit that you are using also affect your credit score. This factor makes up 30% of your credit score.

  3. Length of credit history: The length of time you have had credit accounts is another factor that affects your credit score, accounting for 15% of the total score. The longer your credit history, the better your score.

  4. New credit: Opening new credit accounts can also affect your credit score, making up 10% of the total score.

  5. Applying for multiple credit accounts in a short period can negatively impact your score.

  6. Credit mix: The types of credit accounts you have, such as credit cards, loans, and mortgages, also affect your credit score. This factor makes up 10% of the total score. Having a mix of credit accounts can positively impact your score.

It's important to note that different credit-scoring models may weigh these factors differently, and lenders may also consider other factors when evaluating your creditworthiness. However, understanding these factors can help you manage your credit accounts and improve your credit score over time.

Ultimately, it's a good idea to check your credit reports regularly for accuracy and monitor your credit score to ensure that you are aware of any changes.

You can check your credit report for free once a week at:

This site provides your full report from Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.

Twitter Shredded by Credit Karma's Comically Inaccurate Scoring

Last week, Twitter was bombarded with consumers expressing their (hilarious) frustrations concerning their credit scores provided by Credit Karma, the personal finance company owned by Intuit. 

The frustration comes from users realizing that Credit Karma is providing them with lower credit scores than what is found on their credit reports. 

Consumers were tweeting about applying for credit cards, loans, and attempting to purchase vehicles thinking that they had good or excellent credit, only to find out that the credit score that the issuer pulled was lower than what they had found on Credit Karma. The tweet that started the meme trend can be found here.  

Twitter users were quick to share and create memes about how their credit score was inflated on Credit Karma. @RiotGrlErin had even tweeted “checking your credit score on credit karma is like checking your symptoms on WebMd.”

But, users were on to something important when it comes to checking your credit score. There are many reasons why your credit scores differ between what a personal finance website tells you and what lenders or credit card companies find. There are mainly two reasons: For one, a lender may pull your credit from different credit bureaus, either Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion. Your score can differ depending on which bureau your report is pulled from, since they do not all receive the same information about your credit accounts. Secondly, there are different credit score models and versions that exist across the board. 

Credit Karma’s website states that they use the VantageScore® 3.0 model. VantageScore may look at the same facts that the other popular FICO scoring models does, such as your payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, new credit and your credit mix but each scoring model weighs these factors differently. Because of this, VantageScore and FICO Scores tend to vary from one another. The VantageScore® 3.0 on Credit Karma will likely be different from your FICO Score that lenders use most often. If you are planning on applying for credit, make sure to check your FICO score since there is a good chance that lenders will use this to determine your creditworthiness. FICO Scores are used in over 90% of U.S. lending decisions. It is important to note that there are also industry-specific FICO Scores to look at when you are planning a specific purchase. For example FICO® Auto Scores are ideal if you are wanting to finance a car with an auto loan. If you are planning to buy a house you should look at FICO® Scores 2, 5 and 4. 

The best way to look at your scores is to visit where you can access and download your reports from Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union. Due to Covid, your report is free to access once a week until April 2021. 

Feel free to shoot us a message for any questions!

How Can You Obtain Your Credit Report?

You can obtain your credit report directly from each of the consumer reporting agencies -Trans UnionEquifaxExperian or CSC Credit Services.  The FCRA guarantees you access to your credit report for free from each of the three nationwide credit reporting companies —Trans UnionEquifax and Experian — every 12 months. Note that for all Indiana residents your Equifax credit report is created from credit files which, though housed on Equifax’s database, are actually owned by CSC Credit Services.  To obtain your free annual credit report you should visit - the ONLY authorized source for the free annual credit report that's yours by law.